Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Nutritional recommendations during the past decade were based on carbohydrates as the main nutrient. Bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes were supposed to be the base of our nutrition. During the last years, the reputation of carbohydrates changed. Now they often are labelled to be the evil of our modern diet.

Simple Mobility Flow to make you a better runner.

Even enthusiastic runners often don’t reach their full potential because they underestimate the benefits of additional training: increased performance, reduction of pain, prevention of injury and faster recovery. But I can promise, the small investment of time will be worth it!

Wie kann ich gesunde Gewohnheiten beibehalten?

Wie kann ich gesunde Gewohnheiten beibehalten?

Es gibt Menschen, die gesund essen, über Jahre regelmäßig trainieren, ausgeruht wirken und offensichtlich in einer großartigen Form sind. Wir beneiden diese Menschen und fragen uns, wie sie das eigentlich schaffen. Wie können wir es auch schaffen, gesunde Gewohnheiten beizubehalten?

Why Sleep is more Important than Nutrition & Training combined.

Why Sleep is more important than Nutrition & Training combined.

You would have realized the importance of sleep, if you've ever had a bad night's rest. You may feel unfocused, weak, in a bad mood and with huge cravings for sugar and salty snacks. But, still we underestimate the tremendous effects of sleep & disregard the 100's of processes in our physiology that require that restorative 'shut-eye'.

Warum SCHLAF wichtiger ist als Training & Ernährung zusammen!


Die Bedeutung von gutem Schlaf haben wir alle schon gespürt, wenn wir uns nach einer schlechten Nacht schwach, genervt, unkonzentriert und schlecht gelaunt fühlten und unbändigen Hunger auf süße und salzige Snacks hatten. Dennoch unterschätzen wir die unglaublichen Effekte eines guten Schlafs für hunderte Prozesse in unserem Körper immer wieder.

3 Reasons why you might gain Weight

3 Reasons why you might gain weight!

Patience is not always our greatest strength; we want to see results immediately. But what if the desired results are missing or even worse, you gain weight instead of slimming down?

Should I lose Weight or Fat?

Should I lose Weight or Fat?

How often do we hear people saying “I need to lose weight!”? There are even generic tables showing the right weight for your height that is commonly used by doctors as well. We all believe that we will be healthier, happier, feeling well and to be better looking once we reach the right weight.

What is more important for Weight Loss: Training or Nutrition?

If you make the effort to lose weight, it’s smart to choose the most effective way. Nobody wants to invest incredible amounts of effort for just a mediocre effect.