Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Nutritional recommendations during the past decade were based on carbohydrates as the main nutrient. Bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes were supposed to be the base of our nutrition. During the last years, the reputation of carbohydrates changed. Now they often are labelled to be the evil of our modern diet.

The Secret Behind our Habits – 3 Learnings From Successful Athletes

Sportsmen and women are masters of positive habits, but even they were once beginners.

Are we at the mercy of our habits?

While our habits sometimes perpetuate unwanted behavior (e.g. procrastination); they can on the other hand support a healthy and successful lifestyle without the need to push our will power to the limit. Habits have the purpose to save our energy. This mechanism can be beneficial and helpful for our health and success in our lives, … Are we at the mercy of our habits? weiterlesen

Habits set your course for success.

Habits set your course for success.

Our daily lives are interfused with individual habits. These habits influence the levels of success which we achieve in the long run.

5 Reasons Mental Training can help to unlock your Potential.

Sports Psychology and more specifically Mental Training are not well known areas of sports science. Many consider them to be luxury services for highly paid professional athletes. There is no mystery or magic involved in Mental Training it’s simply the development of strategies to improve performance, increase focus or reduce stress & anxiety in the … 5 Reasons Mental Training can help to unlock your Potential. weiterlesen