Why „calorie-density“ matters


Calorie-density is somewhat underestimated when we plan and optimize our nutrition. The foods we choose affect how much we have to eat to reach satiety.

Why Diets are not the Solution for your Problem.

Why diets are not the solution to your problem.

Are you surprised that you constantly struggle with your dieting? You want to lose weight, you restrict your calorie intake but sooner or later you quit? Did you ever have the idea that it might not be your fault? Diets try to solve symptoms of a problem which can't be solved with diet. Myth: Diets … Why Diets are not the Solution for your Problem. weiterlesen

Improve your Life with the 5 Pillars of Health.

5 Pillars of Health can help you to achieve a higher level of wellbeing.

We often see health limited to the absence of disease. But it is so much more than that. We can identify 5 pillars which are the main areas of our lives, contributing to our overall wellbeing. If they are in balance, we are in a good health.

You are lovable, you are enough!

You are lovable, you are enough! Marisa Peer

Often times we face the same unpleasant situations in life. Not feeling good enough, not lovable is the root cause of these reoccurring problems.

Weight Loss Coaching changed my Life.

Weight Loss Coaching Changed my Life!

My life is thriving, my mind and body are showing me how grateful they are for the healthy food choices I am making and quite simply I have learned to love life and myself again.

Why you need self-love first to change.

Why you need self-love first to change.

If the reason to change is based on not liking ourselves, we set ourselves up for failure. You need self-love first to change!

FREE TALK: Diet vs. Weight Loss Coaching

Why Diets ARE the problem and how Weight Loss Coaching can help you to make peace with food and yourself.

Why Diets ARE the problem and how Weight Loss Coaching can help you to make peace with food and yourself.

5 Fragen zum Thema „Essen“

5 Fragen, die wir uns zum Thema "Essen" stellen sollten.

Uns bewusster zu werden, was unsere Entscheidungen beeinflusst was, wann und wie wir essen ist schon ein riesiger Fortschritt, um mehr auf die Signale unseres Körpers zu hören.