Why do we need MICRONUTRIENTS?


Micronutrients are not the first we think about when we talk about nutrition. It's more about the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which we call makronutrients. But despite having "micro" in their name, micronutrients are not less important.

Why „calorie-density“ matters


Calorie-density is somewhat underestimated when we plan and optimize our nutrition. The foods we choose affect how much we have to eat to reach satiety.

If HUNGER is not the Problem, FOOD is not the solution.

If Hunger is not the problem, food is not a solution.

How often, hunger is the main reason for you to eat? Often we are not even aware of how many different aspects influence our decision to eat. What we are sometimes missing is the awareness of these triggers.

You need to do THIS to stay healthy after quarantine!

You need to do THIS to stay healthy after quarantine!

There is a main aspect which we tend to forget in most of the discussions. To be aware of this can help you to stay healthy even after we go back to a more normal life step by step.

Dietary Fats – what you believe might be wrong!

Fats - which ones are healthy, which one are not?

Newer scientific research disproofs nearly all the facts we believed to be true about dietary fats. Even if there are numerous well made scientific studies, the results didn't find their way into our daily life yet. We avoid butter, vegetable oils are told to be healthy and supermarkets are full of "low-fat" products, but these decisions might seriously harm our health.

Why Diets are not the Solution for your Problem.

Why diets are not the solution to your problem.

Are you surprised that you constantly struggle with your dieting? You want to lose weight, you restrict your calorie intake but sooner or later you quit? Did you ever have the idea that it might not be your fault? Diets try to solve symptoms of a problem which can't be solved with diet. Myth: Diets … Why Diets are not the Solution for your Problem. weiterlesen

BILDSCHIRMABHÄNGIGKEIT: Warum werden wir süchtig nach Smartphones? (Teil 1)

Wie entsteht Bildschirmabhängigkeit?

Smartphones oder Tablet, sie sind aus unserem Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Aber neben den enormen Möglichkeiten, besteht auch ein großes Risiko der Bildschirmabhängigkeit.

Improve your Life with the 5 Pillars of Health.

5 Pillars of Health can help you to achieve a higher level of wellbeing.

We often see health limited to the absence of disease. But it is so much more than that. We can identify 5 pillars which are the main areas of our lives, contributing to our overall wellbeing. If they are in balance, we are in a good health.