Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Carbohydrates: Demons or Angels?

Nutritional recommendations during the past decade were based on carbohydrates as the main nutrient. Bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes were supposed to be the base of our nutrition. During the last years, the reputation of carbohydrates changed. Now they often are labelled to be the evil of our modern diet.

Should I go vegetarian?

The discussion about the “right“ way to eat is very emotional because it’s deeply connected to people’s values. That’s perfectly fine but it makes the topic of personal diet sometimes a bit difficult to approach. If you are not a vegetarian, chances are, you don’t even want to talk about nutrition with people who are. … Should I go vegetarian? weiterlesen

Tiny habits to get back in shape (Part 2)

Are you fed up with dieting and tired of experiencing uncontrollable weight gain after you just tried to get back into shape? Rigorous and restrictive programmes are not the answer to your needs because they can fail you over and over again. But I have good news for you!